hurricane dolly came by town yesterday, what was left of the rain anyway. it was yummy, and heavy-fallin for awhile, and for us, thats just fantastic. its so dry i havent had a green blade of grass in my yard for 2 months, since there are rules about watering lawns and anyway after so many years of cali conservation and desert-type foliage and growing things, i just dont feel it for keeping lawns green. even tho i sure do miss the color and the luxe of it. i used to go up to the getty museum up off sepulveda at mulholland just to get me some green in the summers in LA when all the hills were burning. or over to the observatory, which horribly they closed for "renovations" several years ago and still hadnt "completed" last time i was in town. btw, if youre in LA this weekend, go check out ainjel emme over at the mint. i'll be missin it but you dont have to.

another green drive was sunset all the way down to the water, you could be sure of green through brentwood and the palisades and then it didnt matter because it was just all blue once you got west. before venice was a maze of highrise lofts and studios, it was a mess of burned out warehouses and corner lot coke deals and i lived in a little craftsman house with a bunch of guys about four blocks from the boardwalk. i would keep carrots and hummus in the fridge, which was what i lived on at the time, and listen to my roommate's mix tape (read: cassette) of tangerine dream, phil collins, george benson and james taylor. i never thought it was a strange mix. we used to play pinball on the front porch--the guy who owned the place had one of those old pinball machines standing out there. i got pretty good at one-arm pinball in my underwear eating carrots sticks and blasting "on broadway" on tom's stereo. it was a house full of calarts grads or dropouts, all huddled up in venice working on film or video or music. the front gate was hard to open because there was a trumpet vine so overgrown on it that it rested on top and essentially ate the latch.

been messing around with a new rhythm thing-- have to say, the drums have it.

these are photos by anke voss, which i stole clean off her post-site: here
Hadijatou Mani takes matters into her own hands
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