rose and morris cooper, my paternal great grandparents. apparently nothing was spoken of morris by his daughter sylvia, according to her son, my dad: she never said anything. he died when she was nine.
i know that sylvia, my paternal grandmother was then raised by a mother she was very very close to, pictures of them on the cape in the sun as a girl, in a striped swimsuit and curly hair. rose was her roommate in a cold water flat up the road from radcliff college in 19 hundred something, when girls only went to radcliff, and they couldnt afford any other lodging. radcliff was the female harvard, and my aunt judy went there as well.
my dad went to UT back when there was still undergrad housing at the corner of guadeloupe and 28th? maybe, and he and brad blanton met, and jon noetzel. they were of course bad boys of a sort, and hugely scathingly intellectual, pot-smoking fellas. look 'em up.
but rose? she saw her daughter through the four years and into a library science degree---do you know what degrees were offered back then for girlies? sylvia was a genuis, like all the women and men in my family. they were just very very clever folk. dont know what happened to me.
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