Monday, December 1, 2008

moon in the seventh house

if yours is, like mine, and you'd know what i was talking about if you were lucky like me and had a friend named tam in high school who gave you the down low on these things, you'd be sittin... well, if not pretty then at least looking at a pretty sky tonight.

there is the most amazing lineup and i can't find any real info on it online but... looks like a venus conjunct jupiter (learn the language, man) with the moon in spitting distance, and that, my friends, is just plain:

a good-lookin' sky ;)

i thought i was either:

1 premenstrual
2 crazed about finishing this record
3 just going off my nut

all day, totally unable to be civil period. but then, i stepped out onto the porch, and looked up, and in the clear cold sky, there was this amazing sight, which has been developing for days: two pretty planets tucked even closer to the crescent moon than over the weekend, just hanging delicately, barely hanging, so delicately.

my friend judith would have a lot to say about this. i know my friend tam does, gotta give her a call ;)

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