Saturday, November 7, 2009


to popular opinion, bankruptcy, foreclosure, unemployment and divorce ARE a result of an economic backlash condition created by the preternaturally insane megafattcatt cyclone of american smorgasbord/buffet-style eatitallup worldbank culture; it's a merciless weeding out process to see who can take it. course, whether you should take it or not is really not on the table. as a participant in the whole wheel of it (the cult-cha) you already volunteered. i thought all this on reading that an engineer named rodriguez snapped in orlando as a result of experiencing all four of the above, and i was sorry to hear.

i like the sentiment of many older world cultures than ours that have an eye to a longer view, and maybe a more spiritual one. we are for instance on the verge of a new age, yup, it was said in Hair, that fantabulous musical with the completely hot whathisface in it in 69- and the what'sitcalled- serpent of light idea that our world is a living thing whose kundalini source is shifting into a new form for a new time. most folks refer to the end of the mayan calendar (end of days, how scary a term is that??) and have no idea what the reference is about or to. many people have written about it, and most agree that it is a time of change. hello, change, not THE end. geez. anyway, it's supercool reading, there's a book published over on google books for google-heads and those who are interested in bypassing entire the whole Publishing(not) world, -uh, that said, hopefully not stepping all over copywrite- over here: gooooogle booook. and it helps as a nice alternative perspective and an antidote to overwhelm.

and if all else fails, remember, you know, don't panic. it's gonna be okay. try not to worry. eat good. sleep plenty. drink water a whole bunch. rest up. gonna be alright. we'll understand it, all by and by.

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