Friday, July 20, 2007

and who shall stand when he appeareth?

i listened to handel's messiah at top decibel this am--it IS july, after all. right on time. ('course, this was followed by louis armstrong singin i gotta a right to sing the blues...)

again the sky is gray today. i cant tell you my relief: coverup is needed at certain times and this is a good time for it. i have been relentlessly inward for several weeks now. also sick, which is rare for me, and so it all goes together from my tiny perspective.

it has been a time to overview--something i do in prospect of making plans and changeups, etc. i have to get a real feel for and stretch of a view for what's coming  up the road. once i heard a lecture way long ago in england. the speaker was talking about how we think of the past as behind us and we are walking away from it into the oncoming future, but he was proposing that in fact we back into the future not knowing at all what is coming behind us, and leave the past gazing back into it. im not sure if he was stating his fact, or recommending it. it was just a strong image.

i thnk i mean that i am extremely influenced by things around me, and really need the quiet of gray sky, handel, coffee, planning and sickness to get me in the pocket corner.

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