Thursday, November 8, 2007

where the wild things were friday nite

man, never been over that bridge out of the rio valley before. we played a really cool spot over there, and set up on this pier over a bit of water. when we got rockin, or when a boat went past out at the lip of the harbor, the little pier would set  a motion going you had to focus to play through. kinda like someone else playing something while you're doing a different rhythm. fun.

two tons of steel went up after us, and we climbed off the pier to go. the air, the breezes, the sound, it was a good night. jeff anderson took the pics below...

there wasnt any moon. went over and caught mike doughty's set later after mine, he was singing some really good new songs off the new record which isnt out yet. treat.

next night the same pier had all the austin ladies on it--ginger leigh, suzanna--and it was grad nite too, everyone cross-legged listening on the "peer" floor. a fella named will sexton kept callin me a shepherdess due to my headgear; i couldnt get warm enough.

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