Sunday, November 29, 2009



last march, my brother-in-law killed himself. he was a lifelong musician and singer-songwriter with no parallel. his impact on the people who knew him lasted. but he was sick for a year and although he went to get treatment and diagnosis, he was constantly turned away by doctors, nurses, ER rooms who didn't say but meant: he had no insurance. let me paint that for you in color by numbers: "i'm sick, i'm in pain, i think i'm dying." "well, i can help you but you have to pay first."

i've been complaining about this problem for years now, here in this blog and elsewhere. i say complaining, i really mean, i'm pissed as hell. i haven't talked about my own experiences here, but i have talked about the treatment of others i knew, including my brother-in-law.

turned out, after an autopsy, that my brother-in-law had advanced pancreatic cancer and must have been in pain beyond describing. my sister says he never rested for the last five or six months; he couldn't sleep from the pain.

that's not just policy talking. that's people that made those decisions. like, you know, you and me. some man, some woman, just turned around and walked away. i don't care if that was policy. or any other incredibly insufficient reason to murder people. not interested. makes you wonder, hunh.

Wind Chases the Sun film

Thursday, November 26, 2009

welcome to the revolution

got iodine?

oh, and btw, this is not a happy, nuclear family. this is not a mama, that is not her child, the man is certainly not her husband. just fyi. this girl is an artist, a young person on the verge of life, in a stupid, stupid world. being given stupid, stupid advice. and i think the world of her.

did you know that the "service" is one of the only ways young folks are offered a way into the world, access to an income and education? meantime you gotta learn how to shoot and shout but yeah, sure, you get paid, got a dry place to sleep, food to eat, your mama don't have to worry 'bout cha. oh and the education, if you don't kill yourself first or get yourself killed, sure, that'll be waiting for you when you get done with all the other shit.

this blog is not supporting troops, sending happy holiday messages overseas to the men and women overseas. nope. not. this is no happy thanksgiving. check your facts.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

bk to the max

just in case you're interested...
but also:

"Amnesty International is appealing for the release from prison of Leonard Peltier, an Anishinabe-Lakota Indian, who is serving two consecutive life-sentences for the murders of two Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents. The FBI agents, Ronald Williams and Jack Coler, were shot at point-blank range after being wounded in a gunfight with Indian activists on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on 26 June 1975. Peltier fled to Canada. He was extradited to the USA and convicted of the murders in 1977."

"Amnesty International has investigated this case for many years. Although Amnesty International has not adopted Leonard Peltier as a prisoner of conscience, the organization remains concerned about the fairness of the proceedings leading to his conviction and believes that political factors may have influenced the way in which the case was prosecuted. Peltier is now in his twenty-second year of imprisonment [Editorial: this is an old article; Peltier has now been imprisoned closer to thirty-five years.] and has exhausted all legal appeals against his conviction. He was denied parole (early release under supervision of the criminal justice system) in 1994 following a parole hearing in 1993 and his case will not be heard again via a full hearing by the Parole Commission until December 2008. Amnesty International has for some years been calling on the federal government to institute an executive review of the case but there is no evidence of any such action having been taken. In view of Amnesty International's continuing concerns about this case, and the fact that available remedies have been exhausted, Amnesty International is now calling for Leonard Peltier to be released from prison through an act of presidential pardon."

What's your opinion? Is it a miscarriage of Justice or is Justice being served?

Is Peltier a political prisoner now or a simple convict?

amnesty int'l

Saturday, November 7, 2009


to popular opinion, bankruptcy, foreclosure, unemployment and divorce ARE a result of an economic backlash condition created by the preternaturally insane megafattcatt cyclone of american smorgasbord/buffet-style eatitallup worldbank culture; it's a merciless weeding out process to see who can take it. course, whether you should take it or not is really not on the table. as a participant in the whole wheel of it (the cult-cha) you already volunteered. i thought all this on reading that an engineer named rodriguez snapped in orlando as a result of experiencing all four of the above, and i was sorry to hear.

i like the sentiment of many older world cultures than ours that have an eye to a longer view, and maybe a more spiritual one. we are for instance on the verge of a new age, yup, it was said in Hair, that fantabulous musical with the completely hot whathisface in it in 69- and the what'sitcalled- serpent of light idea that our world is a living thing whose kundalini source is shifting into a new form for a new time. most folks refer to the end of the mayan calendar (end of days, how scary a term is that??) and have no idea what the reference is about or to. many people have written about it, and most agree that it is a time of change. hello, change, not THE end. geez. anyway, it's supercool reading, there's a book published over on google books for google-heads and those who are interested in bypassing entire the whole Publishing(not) world, -uh, that said, hopefully not stepping all over copywrite- over here: gooooogle booook. and it helps as a nice alternative perspective and an antidote to overwhelm.

and if all else fails, remember, you know, don't panic. it's gonna be okay. try not to worry. eat good. sleep plenty. drink water a whole bunch. rest up. gonna be alright. we'll understand it, all by and by.

Thursday, November 5, 2009