Saturday, September 15, 2007

mostly gettin it down

we're going over materials for the tour and it's looking like a free-for-all jam band/blues/punk/jazz/alt rock thingy.. which me likey.

the crickets around here are fewer, it is quieter; the cold front or whatever it was has thinned them out considerably. i found a little guy in the kitchen sink today. i heard him singing up a storm over in that part of the room last night, near the kitchen window, but when i walked over, he got all quiet and still and didnt do any hopping so i could see where he was. but this morning there he sat, kinda subdued and less energetic than his cousins ive been avoiding stepping on all summer. he seemed like he knew the season was over but not quite ready for it. i imagine i may be the same.

i walked up 87 to teach a class this morning, but later than my usual time so the sun was coming up already. it's been black out when i walk out at my usual time, but today, a red sun over the treeline past the idylwilde field which was covered in mist. what's up, muther nature? what're you so pretty for?

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